HBCUstory, Inc., prides itself in preserving, presenting and promoting inspiring stories of the Historically Black College and University (HBCU) community’s past and present, for our future.
Make Your Memories Matter | Share your HBCUstory with our audience. You don’t need to be a published author, HBCUstory is looking for varied expressions on the HBCU experience. Whether you chose to share lessons learned from your favorite professor or emerging research at your institution, let us share your story.
How To Send Your Work | We accept submissions via email to our managing editor, E. Clare Stewart, at ecstewart@hbcustory.com. In the email text, please include a brief description of your proposed contribution.
Submission Guidelines | All work must be submitted as a Word document, 12-point font, one inch margins and numbered pages. Works should be double spaced. Poetry may be single spaced. The author’s name, telephone and email must be included at the top of the first page. Contributors must include a print quality headshot (Instagram and Twitter like photos, e.g.,”selfies” are discouraged), a brief biographical sketch (two to four sentences), and links to all social media accounts and websites.
Response Time | Please allow two to four weeks for review and initial contact.
Disclaimer | There is no monetary compensation provided to contributors. Completing the submission process does not guarantee publishing on hbcustory.com.
Everyone has a story. Make yours matter! – Dr. Crystal A. deGregory, Founder + Executive Editor